When Zhai Gong, whose native place was Xiangui(1), was made administrator of justice, guests swarmed to his residence. But, when he was dismissed from office, it was so quiet at the door of his mansion that a sieve-trap for sparrows could be set there without fear of being disturbed.
Later, on his resuming office, his guests wanted to call on him again. He at once wrote some big words on a piece of paper and had it posted up at the gate. The words were: If one wats to know who is true-hearted, the best moment is when he becomes dead or, fortunately,escapes from death; and to find out who has a sincere attitude, then it is when he becomes poor or as the case may be rich. The best time to test friendship is when he is exalted or, unfortunately, humiliated.
(1) present-day Weinart County in Shanxi Province.
门可罗雀(chinese idioms)