Duke Jiang of the State of Jin was ill. He sought medical counsel from the State of Qin, whose ruler Huangong then sent a physician along to see what could be done.
Before the arrival of Huan the physician, Duke Jing had dreamt of his disease in the person of two kids. One of them was saying,"The coming physician is very competent;I'm afraid he will hurt us. Let's run away." The other rejoined,"No. We'll stay somewhere above huang and below gao(1). I bet he can do nothing to us."
At last the physician came. After making a diagnosis, he coucluded:"There's no cure for the disease. It lies above huang and below gao where no moxibustion can be applied nor acupuncture be manipulated, and drugs will never reach there. Nothing can be done about it."
At these words the Duke commended Huan as a truly eminent doctor and sent hime home richly rewarded.
(1) In ancient times huang was meant to be the term for the diaphragm;and gao the fat on the tip of the heart.So gao huang signified a region in-between the heart and the diaphragm where no medicioe could send any curative eftect.
病入膏肓(chinese idioms)