Confucius(1) was passing by at the foot of Taishan Mountain when he heard a woman wailing before a grave. As he bent over the front bar of his carriage listening with concern, he sent his disciple Zi Lu over to inquire.
"From your crying we presume you have met many misfortunes,"Zi Lu said to the woman.
"Exactly. Some time ago my father-in-law was killed by a tiger, then later my hushand, and now my son." the woman responded.
"Then, why hasn't she chosen to quit this place?" wondered Confucius, putting this question to her through Zi Lu.
"Because this place is not plagued by tyranny," came the woman's answer.
At this Confucius admonished his disciples,"Keep this in mind-tyranny is indeed fiercer than a tiger."
(1) 551-479 BC
苛政猛于虎(chinese idioms)