King Zhao of the State of Yan became ruler after clearing up a messy situation.(1) To take revenge on the State of Qi, he humbly offered a generous reward to any capable and honest man who was willing to serve hem....
He went to call on Guo Wei and asked him,"Whom should I visit, I mean, which talented man?"
"Well, let me tell you what I have heard. In the old days there was a ruler who offered a thousand taels of silver for any fine steed that could cover a thousand li a day. For three years he failed to get one. Then, a eunuch ventured to suggest,'Let me try.' So, the ruler gave him that mission, and in three months the eunuch found one real steed, but a dead one. He paid five hundred taels for its carcass and returned with it to report to the ruler. The ruler flew into a rage and shouted,'What I want is a living horse. What's the use of dead one? And you paid five hundred taels for it!"
"'Since a dead horse costs five hundred taels, how much more will a living one cost?' answered the eunuch.'From this transaction people of the whole land will certainly see that you are a serious buyer. Just wait, good steeds will come very soon.'Truly as the man had said, in less than a year three thousand-league horses were brought to the ruler."
"If Your Highness is serious about getting talented people to help you, please start with me. Then people will think that with a man like me in an important position, those who are much more talented than I am will surely be given still higher posts. Capable men will come from even a housand li away. Don't you worry."
Thereupon, King Zhao built a palace for Guo Wei and honoured him as his teacher. Soon Le Yi, a famous general, came to Yan from Wei; Zhou Yi, an eloquent debater, from Qi; Jue Xin, a gifted counsellor, from Chao; and many more scholars hailed from other states and gathered in the State of Yan.
(1) The State of Yan was in a mess because of civil war followed by a great defeat at the hands of the State of Qi.
千金买骨(chinese idioms)