The State of Chu was invading the State of Zheng. Zheng's general Huang Ji was therefore commissioned to defend the capital. When he went out to fight with the Chu troops,he suffered a great defeat and was captured by Chuan Fengxu,a magistrate of Chu. Immediately, however, Prince Wei came to claim the prisoner. The magistrate refused, while the prince stuck to his claim.So, they went to Bozhouli, Minister of Internal Affairs, for arbitration.
"The best way is to ask the prisoner himself for the facts," said the Minister.
The prisoner was brought in. Holding up his right hand, the Minister said to him,"This is Prince Wei, a favourite brother of our sovereign ruler."Then, lowering the hand, he said again,"This man is called Chuan Fengxu, a magistrate of one of our border counties. Well, tell us which of the two actually captured you."
Fully understanding the Minister's gesture, the prisoner answered,"I chanced upon Prince Wei and was defeated and taken captive."
"The best way is to ask the prisoner himself for the facts," said the Minister.
The prisoner was brought in. Holding up his right hand, the Minister said to him,"This is Prince Wei, a favourite brother of our sovereign ruler."Then, lowering the hand, he said again,"This man is called Chuan Fengxu, a magistrate of one of our border counties. Well, tell us which of the two actually captured you."
Fully understanding the Minister's gesture, the prisoner answered,"I chanced upon Prince Wei and was defeated and taken captive."
上下其手(chinese idioms)