Years ago, Geng Lei and the King Wei standing on a high terrace saw some birds flying past. At this Geng Lei boasted that he could down a bird by drawing his bow but not shooting.
"You mean to say that shooting skill can reach such a high level?" the King wondered.
"Indeed I do."
A while later a flock of wild geese came from the east. Geng Lei went into action and succeeded in downing a bird by merely producing a twang with his bowstring.
"Really, archery can go that far!"cried the King.
"Well, that bird has an unhealed wound."
"How do you know,sir?"
"Because it was flying slowly and uttering a plaintive cry. Generally, an old wound affects the speed of flying and lagging behind the crowd for long leads to a desperate calling. So, an unhealed wound means an unrecovered fright. At the twang of my bowstring the bird strove to soar but fell because the wound burst open."
惊弓之鸟(chinese idioms)
往时,更羸陪魏王在后花园里喝酒,他们抬头看见一只飞鸟,更羸对魏王说:"我为大王表演一个拉弓虚射就能使鸟掉下来的技能.魏王摇头笑笑:"射箭技术可以达到这麼高的水平吗 .更羸说:"能. 过了没有多久,一只孤雁从东方徐徐飞来,更羸摆好姿式,拉满弓弦,虚射一箭,雁应声而落.魏王简直不相信自己的眼睛,惊叹道:"先生怎么知道?更羸於下弓解释说:"这是一只有隐伤的鸟,听见弦声惊悖而下落的,并非我的技术高明!魏王更纳闷了:大雁在天空中飞,先生怎麼知道它有隐伤 .更羸回答说:"它飞得慢,鸣声又凄厉,是因为长久失群,原来的伤口没有愈合,惊恐的心理还没有消除,一听到弦声,就猛一下子搧动翅膀往高处飞,瞬间就牵动旧的创伤,疼得使它跌落下来.