Fight Stubbornly with the Back to the Wall(成语 负隅顽抗 英文)
Feng Fu of the State of Jin(1) was good at tussling with and subduing tigers. Later, he decided not to kill any more living creatures in his life.
One day when he was out in the wild, he saw some people chase a tiger and finally drive it into a corner. As the desperate animal was ready to fight with its back to the wall, nobody dared challenge it any more. Seeing Feng Fu approaching, they at once went up to greet him as a heroic tiger killer. Understanding the situation, Feng Fu rolled up his sleeves and dismounted from his carriage, ready to kill the beast. (2)At this all the folks were pleased except some of the gentry who mocked Feng for going back on his word.
One day when he was out in the wild, he saw some people chase a tiger and finally drive it into a corner. As the desperate animal was ready to fight with its back to the wall, nobody dared challenge it any more. Seeing Feng Fu approaching, they at once went up to greet him as a heroic tiger killer. Understanding the situation, Feng Fu rolled up his sleeves and dismounted from his carriage, ready to kill the beast. (2)At this all the folks were pleased except some of the gentry who mocked Feng for going back on his word.
(1) founded during the Zhou dynastic rule(C.11th century - 256BC)and located in present-day Shanxi Province and the southern part of Hebei Province.
(2) From this stems another idiomatic expression(to do a stusted yet unwelcome job once again under compulsion or to mock at somebody who cannot change his old habit by going back on his pledged word).
负隅顽抗 (chinese idioms)