Learning Three Things by Asking One Question(成语问一得三 英文)
Chen Kang(1) once asked Boyu(2) : “Has our teacher Confucius given you any special instruction?”
“No,” answered Long Li. “One day he was standing alone in the courtyard. When I passed by him, he stopped me and asked me whether I had learned The Book of Songs, and my reply was ‘not yet’. Then he advised me, ‘Without learning The Book of Songs, you will not be able to speak a refined language.’ So, I began reading The Book of Songs. On another day, my father was standing in the courtyard without any of his disciples around when I passed by. Again the asked me whether I had learned The Book of Rites, and my answer was again ‘no’. as before, he admonished me saying: ‘Without reading The Book of Rites, you know not how to behave properly.’ As before, I listened to his advice and went back to read The Book of Rites. These were the only two things I have heard from my father.”
Hearing this, Chen Kang withdrew, feeling satisfied. He said: “I have raised one question, but I have learnt three things—I am now aware that I should learn The Book of Songs, read The Book of Rites and that a man of character like Confucius does not give special favour to his own son.”
(1): His courtesy name was Zi Qin,and who came from the State of Qi.He asked the question because some people were suspicious that Confucius must have taught his son more than his disciples.
(2): Confucius’ son Kong Li
(1): His courtesy name was Zi Qin,and who came from the State of Qi.He asked the question because some people were suspicious that Confucius must have taught his son more than his disciples.
(2): Confucius’ son Kong Li
问一得三(chinese idioms)
有一次,陈亢问孔子的儿子孔鲤(字伯鱼):“你从老师那里听到过特殊的讲授吗?”伯鱼回答说:“没有。不过有一回,我从父亲面前走过的时候,他问我:‘学《诗》了吗?’我说:‘没有’。他说:‘不学《诗》,说话不生动。’我回去后就开始学了。又有一回,他问我:‘学《礼》吗?’我说,“没有”。他说,“不学《礼》,没有立足社会的依据。’后来我就学《礼》了。他没有同我说特别的,就是这两件。” 陈亢听完后,就说:“我这一问,收获有三:知道要学《诗》,知道要学《礼》,更知道君子对于自己的儿子并不特别亲昵。”