The State of Han and the State of Wei(1) were fighting each other. For a whole year, the two were locked together in the tussle.King Hui of the State of Qin was thinking of interfering, and so he asked his ministers for their opinion. Some said that interference would bring good to the state while others asserted that it would only bring harm. This left King Hui in a dilemma, unable to come to a decision.
An eloquent debater called Chen Zhen(2) opened up, saying:"Has anyone ever told Your Highness the story of Zhuangzi(3) killing tigers? Well, Zhuangzi was going to kill tigers having an ox as their prey when an attendant in his inn came to stop him, saying:'Not now. The two animals are just beginning to eat the ox, and when they find the taste of the meat really delicious, they will certainly come to contend for it . And contention will lead to a fight, and in fighting the big one will sufferinjury while the small one will be killed. Then you can go and kill them and you will win yourself the fame of having killed two tigers at one stroke.' Bian Zhuangzi thought that the man had said the right thing and waited.Before long the two beasts as predicted came to a strife and also as had been said, the big one got injured and the small one succumbed. Zhuangzi then thrust his sword into the wounded one and obtained two dead tigers at once."
Chen Zhen paused and then went on,"Now, Han and Wei have been fighting each other for a year and come out even. But it will turn out that the bigger state is to suffer from damage and the smaller one to collapse. Talking advantage of this, we will reap double gains, just like the case of Zhuangzi, the tiger-killer."
"Good!" uttered King Hui, who then gave up the idea of interference. Truly, things happened as expected: the bigger state Wei lost much of its strength and the smaller Han was vanquished. Qin then despatched its troops to attack both and won an overwhelming victory.
两败俱伤(chinese idioms)
陈轸对曰:“王闻夫越人庄舄乎?”王曰:“不闻。”曰:“越人庄舄仕楚执珪,有顷而病。楚王曰:‘舄故越之鄙细人也,今仕楚执珪,贵富矣,亦思越不?’中谢对曰:‘凡人之思故,在其病也。彼思越则越声,不思越则楚声。’使人往听之,犹尚越声也。今臣虽□逐之楚,岂能无秦声哉!”惠王曰:“善。今韩魏相攻,期年不解,或谓寡人救之便,或曰勿救便,寡人不能决,愿子为子主计之余,为寡人计之。”陈轸对曰:“亦尝有以夫卞庄子刺虎闻于王者乎?庄子欲刺虎,馆竖子止之,曰:‘两虎方且食牛,食甘必争,争则必斗,斗则大者伤,小者死,从伤而刺之,一举必有双虎之名。’卞庄子以为然,立须之。有顷,两虎果斗,大者伤,小者死。庄子从伤者而刺之,一举果有双虎之功。今韩魏相攻,期年不解,是必大国伤,小国亡,从伤而伐之,一举必有两实。此犹庄子刺虎之类也。臣主与王何异也。”惠王曰:“善。” 卒弗救。大国果伤,小国亡,秦兴兵而伐,大克之。