In the spring of the tenth year of the reign of Duke Zhuang(1), the State of Qi started to attack the State of Lu. Duke Zhuang was preparing to flight the war when Cao Gui asked for an audience. A villager, however, advised Cao,"War is the affair of the ministers.Why trouble to interfere?" To this Cao replied,"They are short-sighted; they can't think deeply and plan carefully for a war."
So Cao entered the court. When he saw the Duke, he asked him,"What makes Your Highness think that you can go to war?"
"Firstly, food and clothing give the people comfort; I dare not claim all for myself but share with them," the prince answered.
"Good. The people will certainly not follow your order before kindnesses, small as they may be, are given to all," Cao commented. "Sacrificial animals and jades and stilks which are marked for offering to the gods I dare not make a false account of, and I see to it that all is true and correct."
"The gods will not bless one when he is not true to his word even in small matters."
"Though I am not able to look into all cases,big or small, I make a point of judging every one fairly and carefully."
"This is a matter of full devotion to one's duty. Well, from what you have said, you can go to war. When you do, I request you to let me follow you to the batlefield," Cao finally appealed.
As promised, the Duke let Cao Gui sit by him in his chariot, when the battle was about to be fought at Changshao in the State of Lu.
With his troops deployed, the Duke wanted to beat the battle drum to start an attack. But Cao said,"Not yet." And not until the Qi troops had beaten their drums three times did Cao cry,"Now is the time to beat ours."
The Lu troops then charged and defeated the troops of Qi. The Duke of Lu was eager to pursue the retreating enemy, but he was again stopped by Cao who said,"Not yet."Instead, Cao alighted and had a look at the tracks of Qi's retreating cbariots, and then climbed on to the front horizontal bar of his chariot and looked into the distance for a while. Finally he said,"All right, go ahead." The Qi troops were thus driven out of the Lu territory.
After the victory was won, the Duke asked Cao Gui the reason for all his actions. Cao Gui'reply was:"In battle, it is all a matter of morale. The first beating of the drum is to rouse the soldiers to action. If no action is taken, then at the second beating their morale dwindles and at the third, it melts. When the enemy was at the end of their enthusiasm, we were just full of go. That is the time to attack. Because of this we were able to defeat them. Again, in the face of a powerful state like Qi, it is difficult to see through its tactics.I was therefore afraid that they might have an ambush ready for us,but when I found that during the retreat their chariot tracks were disorderly and their banners all down, I knew we could chase them out."
(1) the year 684 BC during the Spring and Autumn period。
一鼓作气(chinese idioms)