Groundless Worry that the Sky Might Fall(成语 杞人忧天 英文)
There was a man in the State of Qi(1) who was haunted by the fear that one day the sky might fall and the earth collapse, and he would have no place to settle. So worried was he that he could not eat and sleep in peace. Someone, anxious that the man would be worried to death, went to reassure him about this. He said to the man:" The sky is only an air mass and there's air everywhere. You move about all day long in the air, inhaling and exhaling, bending and stretching your limbs--Why do you have to worry about the sky's falling,when it's never likely to happen?"
"It's true that the sky is a congregation of air," the man rejoined, "but how about the sun, the moon and the stars? They will surely fall, won't they?"
"The sun, the moon and the stars are merely such bodies in the congregated air as happen to shine," the persuader replied,"Even if they did fall, they would hit nothing."
"Then suppose the earth collapses. What should I do?"
"The earth is merely amassed dust and rocks filling up the space everywhere. There is no spot that has not such masses. And you move about on the earth everyday, stepping on it and walking on it. Why worry that it might collapse?"
The man was gladly relieved, and so was the successful persuader.
"It's true that the sky is a congregation of air," the man rejoined, "but how about the sun, the moon and the stars? They will surely fall, won't they?"
"The sun, the moon and the stars are merely such bodies in the congregated air as happen to shine," the persuader replied,"Even if they did fall, they would hit nothing."
"Then suppose the earth collapses. What should I do?"
"The earth is merely amassed dust and rocks filling up the space everywhere. There is no spot that has not such masses. And you move about on the earth everyday, stepping on it and walking on it. Why worry that it might collapse?"
The man was gladly relieved, and so was the successful persuader.
(1) a small state during the Zhou Dynastic rule, located in present-day Qixian County in Henan Province.
杞人忧天(chinese idioms)