One day someone gave a fish as a present to Zi Can(1) of the State of Zheng, who then asked the pond keeper to keep it in the pond. But the man had it cooked for his own meal and reported to Zi Can, saying:"When I first put the fish in the water, it wasnot very active. By and by it swimmed freely and disappeared."
"Good! It has got to the place where it belongs," said Zi Can .
The keeper went out and told everyone,"Who says Zi Can is a man of intelligence? I've cooked the fish and eaten it, yet he kept saying: The fish hat got to the place where it belongs! When it belongs"(2).
"Good! It has got to the place where it belongs," said Zi Can .
The keeper went out and told everyone,"Who says Zi Can is a man of intelligence? I've cooked the fish and eaten it, yet he kept saying: The fish hat got to the place where it belongs! When it belongs"(2).
(1) otherwise known as Gongsun Jian, a famous statesman of the State of Zheng during the dynastic rule of the Western Zhou(c.11th century-771 BC).
(1) otherwise known as Gongsun Jian, a famous statesman of the State of Zheng during the dynastic rule of the Western Zhou(c.11th century-771 BC).
(2) This idiomatic expression is used to describe a person in circum-stances he finds entirely to his satisfaction,like a fish in the water.
得其所哉(chinese idioms)
从前有人送条活鱼给郑国的子产,子产叫主管池塘的人把它畜养在池塘里。那人却把鱼煮来吃了,回报说:“刚放进池塘里时, 它还要死不活的;一会儿便摇摆着尾巴活动起来了;突然间,一下子就游得不知去向了。”于产说:“它去了它应该去的地方啦!它去了它应该去的地方啦!”那人从子产那里出来后说:“谁说子产聪明呢?我明明已经把鱼煮来吃了,可他还说‘它去了它应该去 的地方啦!它去了它应该去的地方啦!”