A tiger caught a fox while looking for any beast that might come his way and fall a prey to him.
"Don't you dare eat me!" said the fox."The Emperor of Heaven has made me king of the beasts. You eat me and you will be going against His orders. If you don't believe what I say, just let me lead the way and you follow close behind. Then we'll see if they all flee or not at the sight of me."
The tiger agreed to the idea, and so the two of them set off together. When the other beasts saw them coming, they all turned tail. Not realizing it was he that was the cause of their panics-stricken flight,the tiger thought they were afraid of the fox.
狐假虎威(chinese idioms)
老虎寻找各种野兽来吃。找到了一只狐狸,狐狸对老虎说:“您不敢吃我,上天派我做群兽的领袖,如果您吃掉我,这就违背了上天的命令。您如果不相信我的话,我在前面走,您跟在我的后面,看看群兽见了我,有哪一个敢不逃跑的呢?”老虎信以为真,就和狐狸同行,群兽见了它们,都纷纷逃奔。 老虎不明白群兽是害怕自己才逃奔的,却以为是害怕狐狸