Guan Zhong and Xi Peng(1) went with Qi Huanggong, Duke of the State of Qi, on an expedition to Guzhu(2). They had started in spring, but by the time they returned it was already winter. The scenes along the way were so changed that the troops lost their way.
Under these circumstances Guan Zhong suggested:" Old horses are intelligent enough to remember the way and can prove useful." So a few old horses were driven in front to lead the way. Following closely behind, the Qi troops eventually found their way home.
(1) Guan Zhong was then the Prime Minister Xi Peng, his assistant. Both had rendered services to Qi Huanwang, Duke of the State of Qi during the Zhou Dynastic rule, in establishing Qi's hegemony.
(2) Originally, Duke Qi was attacking the State of Shan Rong fled to Guzhu, he pursued him all the way there. It was an expedition that had not been planned or expected to last so long and be so time-consuming.
老马识途(chinese idioms)