The State of Wei attacked the State of Zhao and besieged its capital. Desperate, Zhao asked the State of Qi(1) for help. King Wei of the State of Qi was prepared to commission Sun Bin(2) as Commander-in Chief to carry out the operation. This Sun politely refused, saying:"It is not advisable for a man like me who has suffered corporal punishment." Then, the King gave the post to Tian Ji, and Sun was appointed military counsellor and arranged to sit in a covered van to mastermind the coming military moves.
Tian Ji was planning to march his troops directly to Zhao when Sun suggested:"It is common knowledge that to disentangle a messy skein of silk, closing one's fighting parties, taking part in the conflict won't work. Stay clear of the enemy's main forces and strike at his weak point to create conflicts and apprehension in the enemy, the inevitably the siege will be lifted."
"Now, Liang(3) is attacking Zhao," Sun added, coming to the point."Its mobile elite troops must be fatigued, having marched far from their homeland. On the other hand, its older, weaker forces that remain behind at home, must be under heavy strain. SO, it would be wise for you to rush our troops to the capital of Liang, cut of their line of communication and attack their weak spot; then, for sure, Liang will have to give up Zhao and turn to save its own capital. In this way we shall in one operation rasi the siege of Zhao and at the same time reap the rewards of Liang's collapse."
Tian Ji agreed and did as advised. Soon Wei withdrew from Handan(4) and on the way home its army encountered that of Qi at Guiling(5). Qi won an overwhelming victory over Liang.
(1) These three states were among the seven powerful states at the time during the Warring States Period(475-221 BC).
(2) Sun was a descendant of the famous military strategist Sun Wu. He and Pang Juan were both students of the art of war under the same teacher. Knowing Sun was superior in talent, Pang invited Sun to serve the State of Wei as his assistant, and then on a frame-up charge sentenced Sun to corporal punishment, having his feet amputated. Later, Sun fled to the State of Qi and he was well received by King Wei and Tian Ji. He emerged as a famous strategist, and was known as Sun Bin(bin in Chinese bearing the meaning of being amputated) so that his actual name was never recorded in history.
(3) Wei was also called Liang because its capital was later moved to Daliang(present-day Kaifeng, Henan Province).
(4) the capital of Zhao(in present-day Hebei Province).
(5) near present-day Heze Country, Shandong Province.
围魏救赵(chinese idioms)