Delusion over Health and Evasion of Treatment(成语 讳疾忌医 英文)
Bian Que, a celebrated physician, was granted an audience by Cai Huangong, Marquis Cai. He stood looking at the ruler for a while before he spoke,"Your Highness is suffering from an ailment, which for the moment remains in between the skin and the muscles. But it may get worse without treatment."
"I'm not at all indisposed," said the Marquis complacently. cine-man's usual practice to pass a healthy person as a sickman in order to show his brilliance."
The days later, Bian Que had another chance to see the Marquis. This time he pointed out to him:"The ailment has developed into the muscles. It will go from bad to worse if no treatment is given."
To this the ruler said nothing. But after Bian Que had gone, he showed a greater displeasure than before.
Another ten days went by. On seeing the Marquis again, Bian Que warned him that the illness had gone into the stomach and the intestines and that unless immediate treatment be given, it would certainly go on worsening. Again the Marquis said not a word. Unheeded, Bian Que had to leave, and the ruler looked strongly displeased.
After a third period of ten days, when Bian Que happened to see the Marquis on the way, he simply turned round and went away. Feeling it strange, the Marquis sent a man to overtake Bian Que and ask him for the reason.
"Well, an ailment lying in between the skin and the muscles remains on the surface, and so external application with warm water and ointment can cure it," said Bian Que. "If it sinks into the muscles, acupuncture will do good; if it resides in the stomach and the intestines, a decoction of herbs will take effect. But when the sickness penetrates into the bone marrow, it becomes fatal and nothing can be done about it. Now, the Marquis has come to that last stage; therefore, I have nothing to recommend."
Five days after that, the Marquis felt pains all over. He ordered his men to look for Bian Que, only to find that he had fled to the State of Qin.
Soon afterwards, the Marquis died.
"I'm not at all indisposed," said the Marquis complacently. cine-man's usual practice to pass a healthy person as a sickman in order to show his brilliance."
The days later, Bian Que had another chance to see the Marquis. This time he pointed out to him:"The ailment has developed into the muscles. It will go from bad to worse if no treatment is given."
To this the ruler said nothing. But after Bian Que had gone, he showed a greater displeasure than before.
Another ten days went by. On seeing the Marquis again, Bian Que warned him that the illness had gone into the stomach and the intestines and that unless immediate treatment be given, it would certainly go on worsening. Again the Marquis said not a word. Unheeded, Bian Que had to leave, and the ruler looked strongly displeased.
After a third period of ten days, when Bian Que happened to see the Marquis on the way, he simply turned round and went away. Feeling it strange, the Marquis sent a man to overtake Bian Que and ask him for the reason.
"Well, an ailment lying in between the skin and the muscles remains on the surface, and so external application with warm water and ointment can cure it," said Bian Que. "If it sinks into the muscles, acupuncture will do good; if it resides in the stomach and the intestines, a decoction of herbs will take effect. But when the sickness penetrates into the bone marrow, it becomes fatal and nothing can be done about it. Now, the Marquis has come to that last stage; therefore, I have nothing to recommend."
Five days after that, the Marquis felt pains all over. He ordered his men to look for Bian Que, only to find that he had fled to the State of Qin.
Soon afterwards, the Marquis died.
讳疾忌医(chinese idioms)