Try to Help the Shoots grow by pulling(成语 拔苗助长 英文)
A man in the State of Song(1) was worried that the shoots of his crops might not grow,and so he pulled every single one of them a bit upward.After that ,he returned home very tired, saying to his family:"I'm exhausted today because I have given the shoots some help for them to grow." Hearing this ,his son went to the fields and looked ,only to find the shoots had all withered away.
There are very few in the world who will refrain from helping the shoots grow.But there are some who think it useless to give any help and give up.They are those who do not weed the fields. Whereas there are others who want the shoots to grow quickly by pulling them upward. In their case, not only is it of no help, it acctually does harm.
There are very few in the world who will refrain from helping the shoots grow.But there are some who think it useless to give any help and give up.They are those who do not weed the fields. Whereas there are others who want the shoots to grow quickly by pulling them upward. In their case, not only is it of no help, it acctually does harm.
(1) a state during the Zhou dynastic rule, located in present-day Henan Province.
(1) a state during the Zhou dynastic rule, located in present-day Henan Province.
拔苗助长(chinese idioms)