King Wei of the State of Wei(1) was planning to attack Handan,the captital of the State of Zhao.
Hearing the news, Ji Liang, who was on his way back to the state, hurried home to see the King.He was in such haste that he even did not have time to smooth his wrinkled gown and dust his face.
"On my way home, at the foot of Taihang Mountains(2). I saw a man preparing to drive his carriage north," began Ji Liang,"But he told me that he was going to the State of Chu. Then I said to him,'So you're going to Chu, I see. But why take the road north?' His answer was that his horses were good enough for the journey. I said,'Good or not, the road you're taking does not lead to Chu.' Then the man answerd that he could afford the travelling expenses. I said,'You may have plenty of money, but your direction is wrong!' Again the man insisted that he had execllent drivers to make the journey. I retorted,'Well, the better your horses,the more your money and the more skiful your drivers--all these combined, the further away you will be from Chu.'"
Ji Liang paused, and then added:"Now Your Highness wants to take action to achieve a hegemony--to become chief of all princes and dukes and extend your power over the whole land(3). What you depend on is the vastness of the area in your possession and the expertise of your troops, and your purpose is clear--to begin by attacking Handan in order to expand your territory and raise your prestige. Then it will come to this:the more frequently you make moves, the further you will deviate from your object, just like that man going north while he wishes to reach the State of Chu in the south."
(1) a state during the Zhou dynastic rule.
(2) The two characters signifying "Taihang" can also be interpreted as a "a broad road";in that case, then they are not referred to the famous mountain.
(3) The expression 'xin yu tian xia' can also mean "winning the confidence of all the people",not necessarily "ruling the land"
南辕北辙(chinese idioms)