King Wei of the State of Qi loved not only to use enigmatic language but also to spend whole evenings drinking. Because of his indulgence, he stopped dealing with state affairs and left them to his ministers. As a result, things went from bad to worse, as most of his officials, big and small, also neglected their trusted duties and led an easy life. This gave other principalities a chance to make inroads into Qi. The state was on the way to falling apart at any moment. No one around the prince, however, dared to remonstrate with him.
There was one man, a certain Chunyu Kun, who ventured to speak to the King. Using careful innuendo, he said,"There is a large bird perching in this court, and for three years it has not taken wing nor uttered a cry. Probably Your Highness can tell what has happened to this bird."
"Well, I know this bird. If it ever flies, it will soar into the sky; and if it ever cries, it will amaze the world," answered the King, knowing what Chunyu Kun was driving at.
After this talk, the King summoned all the seventy-two county magistrates in the state to his presence. Among the group he rewarded one good one and executed one bad one; then he mustered all his troops, who were now greatly encouraged and ready for action. Courageously they went out to repel the invaders. In great alarm, the other principalities returned to Qi all the lands they had seized from it. Qi's power thus remained strong for the next thirty-six years.
(1) This idiomatic expression is used to speak of an obscure person who amazes the world with a single brilliant feat.
一鸣惊人(chinese idioms)