There was a man in the State of Zheng(1) who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. He measured his feet, and then left the measurement on his seat and started for the market.
When he got to the market, he found that he did not have told the shoemarker that he had forgotten his measurement at home and would go back for it. By the time he came again to the market, business had ended. So, he did not get the shoes he wanted.
"Why didn't you try the shoes then and there when you were buying?" someone asked him.
"I'd rather believe in my measurement than my own feet," he replied.
(1) during the dynastic rule of the Western Zhou. Its capital was present-day Xinxiang County, Henan Province.
郑人买履(chinese idioms)
有个想要买鞋子的郑国人,他先在家里量了自己的脚,把尺码放在了他的座位上。到了前往集市的时候,却忘了带量好的尺码。他已经拿到鞋子,(才发现自己忘了带尺寸了)就说:“我忘记带尺码了。”返回家去取尺寸。等到他赶回来,集市已经散了,最终没有买到鞋。 有人问他说:“你为什么不用自己的脚试鞋呢?”说:“宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!”