Zhao Gao(1) harboured the intention of usurping power, but he was afraid that the ministers would not follow and obey him. So, he tried to test which ones would be faithful to him.
One day he offered a stag to Emperor Ershi(2) and said,"Your Majesty, here is a horse I would like to offer to you."
"You're mistaken, Prime Minister," said the Emperor with a smile."You've called a stag a horse."
Zhao Gao turned to the other ministers present and asked them whether it was a horse or a stag. Some kept silent; other, to please Zhao Gao, affirmed that it was a horse; and still others said that it was a stag.
Later, Zhao Gao secretly framed charges against all those who had asserted that it was a stag and had them executed.
(1) a eunuch in the Qin court, who after the decease of Qinshihuang(First Emperor of Qin) hounded his heir, Prince Fushu, to death and through a coup detat replaced him with Huhei,while he himself assumed the post of Prime Minister.
(2) Emperor Qin the Second, i.e., young Prince Huhei--made Emperor by Zhao Gao,wishing to usurp his power, later compelled the young emperor to commit suicide.
指鹿为马(chinese idioms)