In the State of Song there was an lod man who kept monkeys. He took to this so much that his animals grew into a large group. What was more, he understood what they wanted and they knew how to please him. In order to satisfy their desire, he took a part of his family's food to feed the monkeys. Before long his grain was running short, and he thought to cut down their food. Afraid that the animals might hence be not so tame and docile, he hoodwinked them by saying:"I'm thinking of feeding you with acorns, three for the morning meal and four for the evening meal. Will that be sufficient?" The monkeys all rose to their feet in anger. Seeing this, the old man said,"Then how about four for the morning and three for the evenging?(1) I presume that'll be enough." At this the animals all prostrated themselves before him in joy.
(1) This idiomatic expression is used to reproach one who changes a great deal in this words and action.
朝三暮四(chinese idioms)