
指鹿为马Call a stag a Horse

Call a stag a Horse(成语 指鹿为马 英文)

Zhao Gao(1) harboured the intention of usurping power, but he was afraid that the ministers would not follow and obey him. So, he tried to test which ones would be faithful to him.

One day he offered a stag to Emperor Ershi(2) and said,"Your Majesty, here is a horse I would like to offer to you."

"You're mistaken, Prime Minister," said the Emperor with a smile."You've called a stag a horse."

Zhao Gao turned to the other ministers present and asked them whether it was a horse or a stag. Some kept silent; other, to please Zhao Gao, affirmed that it was a horse; and still others said that it was a stag.

Later, Zhao Gao secretly framed charges against all those who had asserted that it was a stag and had them executed.

(1) a eunuch in the Qin court, who after the decease of Qinshihuang(First Emperor of Qin) hounded his heir, Prince Fushu, to death and through a coup detat replaced him with Huhei,while he himself assumed the post of Prime Minister.
(2) Emperor Qin the Second, i.e., young Prince Huhei--made Emperor by Zhao Gao,wishing to usurp his power, later compelled the young emperor to commit suicide.

指鹿为马(chinese idioms)



纸上谈兵Strategic Planning on Paper

Strategic Planning on Paper(成语 纸上谈兵 英文)

Zhao Guo(1) had had lessons in the art of war since he was very young. Therefore, in speaking of military strategy and tacties, he thought none could excel him. Once he had a discussion with his father Zhao Seh, a senior general, about the command of troops and conduct of wars. He talked in such a self-assured way that his father, though finding it impossible to refute him, distained to say a word in his praise. For this Guo's mother asked her hushand the reason.

"To fight a war entails fatal danger," answered Zhao Seh." But Guo passed it off as something easy in his talk. It would be better if our state did not appoint him as a commander.If they do, he will surely be the one to lead our troops to doom."...

In the seventh year(2) (259 BC), the army of the State of Qin drove into the State of Zhao, and their troops confronted each other at Changping(3). By that time Zhao She had passed away and Lin Xiangru was very ill, and so the King of Zhao ordered Lian Po to take command and attack Qin. Having suffered several defeats, the Zhao troops firmly held their position in the defence and stopped fighting. In spite of Qin's repeated challenges, Lian Po refused to make any move. Then Qin sent a spy to Zhao to spread a rumour, which said:"Qin has only one thing to worry about. They are afraid that Zhao Guo, son of Zhao She, might come out to command the army." The King of Zhao believed the rumour and had Lian Po replaced by Zhao Guo....

As son as Zhao Guo took the place of Lian Po he changed all the latter's orders, rules and systems, and dismissed many military officers. When General Bai Qi of Qin got this information, he started an ingenious military move. Feigning to retreat after a defeat,his troops went to sever Zhao's food supply line and cut Guo's troops in two. This put the soldiers into great trepidation. Forty days later, the soldiers weakened from hunger Zhao Guo himself went into combat with his crack troops and was shot to death by the arrows of the Qin troops.

(1) of the State of Zhao during the Warring State Period(475-221 BC).
(2) the seventh year of the regin of Xiacheng Wang of Zhao(259 BC). Another version of the story says that it was the sixth year(258 BC).
(3) present-day Gaoping County, Shanxi Province.

纸上谈兵(chinese idioms)





负荆请罪Bear a Birch to offer a Humble Apology

Bear a Birch to offer a Humble Apology (成语 负荆请罪 英文)

When Lin Xiangru returned to Zhao(1), he was made a high official ranking above Lian Po because he had rendered an outstanding service to the State.

At this, Lian Po complained to everyone:"I am a general of the State of Zhao and have rendered meritorious services on the battlefield. Now, Lin Xiangru is put in a position superior to mine for his mere eloquence. Besides, he is a man of humble birth. I can't bear to be below him, it is a disgrace." In the end he went so far as to declare:"If he comes into my sight, I'll cry shame on him." On hearing this, Xiangru decided to avoid Lian Po in every way.

When the time came for the ministers to appear at court, Xiangru always absented himself and stayed home on the pretext of ill health. This was simply to avoid contending with Lian Po for precedence at court. Later, whenever Xiangru was out driving and sighted Lian Po on the way, he would order his carriage to turn about and avoid him.

Lin's guest advisers all began to protest at his undue humility, saying:"The reason why we left our own people and came to serve you is just that we admire your noble quality. Now, you are of equal rank with Lian Po, who has been openly speaking evil of you,yet you fear him so much that you hide yourself away from him. This is more than needed and is something even the common people would feel ashamed of ,not to say a prime minister or any other ranking official. It seems we are not useful here. Please allow us to leave."

Lin,however,insisted on their staying and asked them a question:"You gentlemen please tell me who is more formid able?Lian Po? Or the King of Qin?"

"Of couse, Lian Po is not so formidable as the King of Qin," was the answer.

"Well," Lin Xiangru came to the point at issue,"despite the awesomeness of the King of Qin, I dared rebuke him in his court and bring shame on his courtiers. Incapable as I may be, I don't think I have any reason to fear General Lian. What I have been turning over in my mind is why the pewerful Qin so far dare not invade Zhao. Isn't it merely because Lian Po and I are both in the service of Zhao at court? Suppose we two 'tigers' now pitch into each other, one of us must to out of existence. That I've been treating Lian Po in the way known to you all is to show I put the safety of the state above private grievances."

When these words of Lin Xiangru were passed on to Lian Po, he was extremely moved. Stripping him self to the waist and carrying a birch on his back, he asked his guest adviser to take hime to the mansion of Lin Xiangru to offer a humble apology. Lian said to Lin,"What an ignorant man I am! I never realized how magnanimous you are." In the end , the two were on good germs and vowed to be life-and-death companions.
(1) see the story "Return the Jade Intact to Zhao"
负荆请罪(chinese idioms)




完璧归赵Return the Jade Intact to Zhao

Return the Jade Intact to Zhao(成语 完璧归赵 英文)

When King Huiwen was ruling the State of Zhao, he was fortunate enough to acquire a piece of jade discovered by Bian He of the State of Chu. Hearing this, King Zhao of the State of Qin set a letter to the King of Zhao, offering fifteen cities in exchange for the treasure.The King immediately sought counsel with General Lian Po and his ministers, confessing that he was worried he might thus lose the jade for nothing if the ruler of Qin broke his word and refused to give hime the cities, and on the other hand, if he did not let go the jade, Qin might come to attack Zhao. Much discussion went on, but the matter was not settled. Pending the solution of this problem, King Huiwen looked for a person who could give Qin a satisfactory reply, yet he was not able to find the right man...

The King, then, summoned Lin Xiangru to his presence and brought out the question.

"Shall I give the King of Qin my jade in exchange for his fifteen cities?" asked the prince.

"Since Qin is more powerful than Zhao, it seems you have to comply with the request,"answered Xiangru.

"Suppose he takes my stone without giving me the cities, what is to be done?"

"If Qin offers the cities in exchange for the stone and Zhao refuses, Zhao will be in the wrong. If Zhao gives the jade and Qin does not give the cities, Qin will be in the wrong.Weighing these two situation, I prefer to give consent to Qin's request so that Qin will be put in a position susceptible of going wrong."

"Then, who is eligible for this mission?"

"I know Your Highness can't find the right person. I am willing to be the messenger and escort the jade on Qin. If Zhao gets the promised cities, then I will leave the jade in Qin; otherwise,upon my word, I will bring it back intact."

So,the King of Zhao despatched Xiangru westward to Qin with the jade. On arrival, Xiangru was received by the King of Qin in Changtai Palace. Xiangru offered the jade to the ruler of Qin who was greatly pleased. He showed it round among his palace maids and attendants. The courtiers hailed and applauded.

Seeing that the King of Qin had no intention of giving the promised cities to Zhao, Xiangru stepped forward and said,"The jade has flaws. PLease let me show it to Your Highness." The King of Qin handed the jade over to Xiangru who with the stone in hand retreated a few steps to lean on a column and in great fury addressed the King,"When Your Highness wrote to the King of Zhao expressing your wish to possess the jade our prince immediately called in all his ministers to seek their opinion. The ministers said,'Qin is a greedy state and on the strength of its power and might only wants to get the jade for nothing. We are afraid that we may not be able to get the cities promised by Qin.' So it was their concensus that we should not give you the jade. But, to my mind, not even commoners will ever resort to cheating when making friends, let alone a powerful state. Moreover, it is not worthwhile for Zhao to offend the powerful Qin's friendly feelings merely because of a piece of jade. Having listened to my advice the King of Zhao fasted for five days before he asked me to bring the jade here, and when he sent me off, he even went through a ceremony in the courtyard for the solemn act of giving me the credentials. Just think, why should the King of Zhao do all that? It only shows his double respect for the prestige of a powerful state like yours. Well, now I am here and you receive me in an ordinary palace like this without any protocol, which cannot but be a sign of your arrogance. What is more, you have just passed the jade around among the maids to make me look ridiculous. Since I see that Your Highness has no intention of compensating Zhao with the cities which you definitely promised, I claim the jade back. If Your Highness chooses to put pressure on me to submit it , I will immediately knock both the stone and my head against this column, and break both."

Saying this, Xiangru help up the jade and directed his eyes toward the column,ready to act. Afraud that he was going to smash the jade, the King of Qin made an apology and entreated Xiangru not to do so. Then, he summoned the official concerned to read the map of Qin to Xiangru and mark off fifteen cities to be given over to Zhao.

Being a cautious man, Xiangru had a notion that the King of Qin was only playing a trick, pretending to make Zhao a gift of the cities, but not intending that Zhao should actually obtain them. So he said to the King of Qin seriously,"Heshi Jade is known by all to be a treasure. That Zhao has offered it to Qin is out of fear. Since our King when he sent the jade to you fasted for five days, it is only proper that Your Highness should do likewise and, later, perform a solemn ceremony of reception in the main palace. Only then dare I offer the jade to you." Realizing that after all he could rob it from Xiangru by force, the King of Qin promised to fast and ordered Xiangru to be lodged in the Guangheng Palace Guest House.

Considering again that the King of Qin, although he had promised to fast and might actually do so, was any minute ready to go back on his words and refuse to give the cities, Xiangru asked his attendant to disguise himself as a commoner by putting on a coarse hemp coat and to return to Zhao with the jade by a short-cut.

完璧归赵(chinese idioms)





两败俱伤Both Sides Lose, Neighter Side Gains

Both Sides Lose, Neighter Side Gains(成语 两败俱伤 英文)

The State of Han and the State of Wei(1) were fighting each other. For a whole year, the two were locked together in the tussle.King Hui of the State of Qin was thinking of interfering, and so he asked his ministers for their opinion. Some said that interference would bring good to the state while others asserted that it would only bring harm. This left King Hui in a dilemma, unable to come to a decision.
An eloquent debater called Chen Zhen(2) opened up, saying:"Has anyone ever told Your Highness the story of Zhuangzi(3) killing tigers? Well, Zhuangzi was going to kill tigers having an ox as their prey when an attendant in his inn came to stop him, saying:'Not now. The two animals are just beginning to eat the ox, and when they find the taste of the meat really delicious, they will certainly come to contend for it . And contention will lead to a fight, and in fighting the big one will sufferinjury while the small one will be killed. Then you can go and kill them and you will win yourself the fame of having killed two tigers at one stroke.' Bian Zhuangzi thought that the man had said the right thing and waited.Before long the two beasts as predicted came to a strife and also as had been said, the big one got injured and the small one succumbed. Zhuangzi then thrust his sword into the wounded one and obtained two dead tigers at once."

Chen Zhen paused and then went on,"Now, Han and Wei have been fighting each other for a year and come out even. But it will turn out that the bigger state is to suffer from damage and the smaller one to collapse. Talking advantage of this, we will reap double gains, just like the case of Zhuangzi, the tiger-killer."

"Good!" uttered King Hui, who then gave up the idea of interference. Truly, things happened as expected: the bigger state Wei lost much of its strength and the smaller Han was vanquished. Qin then despatched its troops to attack both and won an overwhelming victory.

两败俱伤(chinese idioms)



陈轸对曰:“王闻夫越人庄舄乎?”王曰:“不闻。”曰:“越人庄舄仕楚执珪,有顷而病。楚王曰:‘舄故越之鄙细人也,今仕楚执珪,贵富矣,亦思越不?’中谢对曰:‘凡人之思故,在其病也。彼思越则越声,不思越则楚声。’使人往听之,犹尚越声也。今臣虽□逐之楚,岂能无秦声哉!”惠王曰:“善。今韩魏相攻,期年不解,或谓寡人救之便,或曰勿救便,寡人不能决,愿子为子主计之余,为寡人计之。”陈轸对曰:“亦尝有以夫卞庄子刺虎闻于王者乎?庄子欲刺虎,馆竖子止之,曰:‘两虎方且食牛,食甘必争,争则必斗,斗则大者伤,小者死,从伤而刺之,一举必有双虎之名。’卞庄子以为然,立须之。有顷,两虎果斗,大者伤,小者死。庄子从伤者而刺之,一举果有双虎之功。今韩魏相攻,期年不解,是必大国伤,小国亡,从伤而伐之,一举必有两实。此犹庄子刺虎之类也。臣主与王何异也。”惠王曰:“善。” 卒弗救。大国果伤,小国亡,秦兴兵而伐,大克之。



门可罗雀You Can Trap Sparrows at the Quiet Door

You Can Trap Sparrows at the Quiet Door(成语 门可罗雀 英文)

When Zhai Gong, whose native place was Xiangui(1), was made administrator of justice, guests swarmed to his residence. But, when he was dismissed from office, it was so quiet at the door of his mansion that a sieve-trap for sparrows could be set there without fear of being disturbed.

Later, on his resuming office, his guests wanted to call on him again. He at once wrote some big words on a piece of paper and had it posted up at the gate. The words were: If one wats to know who is true-hearted, the best moment is when he becomes dead or, fortunately,escapes from death; and to find out who has a sincere attitude, then it is when he becomes poor or as the case may be rich. The best time to test friendship is when he is exalted or, unfortunately, humiliated.

(1) present-day Weinart County in Shanxi Province.

门可罗雀(chinese idioms)



围魏救赵Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao

Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao(成语 围魏救赵 英文)

The State of Wei attacked the State of Zhao and besieged its capital. Desperate, Zhao asked the State of Qi(1) for help. King Wei of the State of Qi was prepared to commission Sun Bin(2) as Commander-in Chief to carry out the operation. This Sun politely refused, saying:"It is not advisable for a man like me who has suffered corporal punishment." Then, the King gave the post to Tian Ji, and Sun was appointed military counsellor and arranged to sit in a covered van to mastermind the coming military moves.

Tian Ji was planning to march his troops directly to Zhao when Sun suggested:"It is common knowledge that to disentangle a messy skein of silk, closing one's fighting parties, taking part in the conflict won't work. Stay clear of the enemy's main forces and strike at his weak point to create conflicts and apprehension in the enemy, the inevitably the siege will be lifted."

"Now, Liang(3) is attacking Zhao," Sun added, coming to the point."Its mobile elite troops must be fatigued, having marched far from their homeland. On the other hand, its older, weaker forces that remain behind at home, must be under heavy strain. SO, it would be wise for you to rush our troops to the capital of Liang, cut of their line of communication and attack their weak spot; then, for sure, Liang will have to give up Zhao and turn to save its own capital. In this way we shall in one operation rasi the siege of Zhao and at the same time reap the rewards of Liang's collapse."

Tian Ji agreed and did as advised. Soon Wei withdrew from Handan(4) and on the way home its army encountered that of Qi at Guiling(5). Qi won an overwhelming victory over Liang.

(1) These three states were among the seven powerful states at the time during the Warring States Period(475-221 BC).
(2) Sun was a descendant of the famous military strategist Sun Wu. He and Pang Juan were both students of the art of war under the same teacher. Knowing Sun was superior in talent, Pang invited Sun to serve the State of Wei as his assistant, and then on a frame-up charge sentenced Sun to corporal punishment, having his feet amputated. Later, Sun fled to the State of Qi and he was well received by King Wei and Tian Ji. He emerged as a famous strategist, and was known as Sun Bin(bin in Chinese bearing the meaning of being amputated) so that his actual name was never recorded in history.
(3) Wei was also called Liang because its capital was later moved to Daliang(present-day Kaifeng, Henan Province).
(4) the capital of Zhao(in present-day Hebei Province).
(5) near present-day Heze Country, Shandong Province.

围魏救赵(chinese idioms)
